Traders and Photography
Traders and Photography polices
Trading at our events
We love having Larp traders come to trade at our events. As our events are much smaller than the big “Fest” systems, with less 200 people at our bigger events and less than 100 at our smaller ones, trading is not likely to be as lucrative. Therefore, rather than charge a trading fee, we ask traders to give us a gift from their stock that they feel appropriate. This allows them to give something that fits, both their size and the success of their weekend. Examples include, prizes for the crew draw, a bottle of mead from the mead seller, and makers taking away a few broken weapons each time and fixing them for us.
With a very few exceptions we want traders to trade in the Out of Character “Plastic Camp”. At bigger events we often have a traders row. We do not want trading stalls in the IC area, partly due to the lack of space, but also because it is difficult for stalls selling stuff for real cash to by entirely IC.
If you want to sell stuff at one of our events, be it a few Larp bits off a blanket, to a big tent of weaponry, please ask by using our contact form on the website, talk to the Ref Avatar on facebook or email Within reason, we will probably say yes please.
Larp photography is a skills and subtle art. It is a compromise between not being noticed, and getting greats shots to remember the fun. As we are big on emersion and avoiding breaking character, we really are strong on this. As a ref team we feel the “Live” in LARP means that it is more important that the experience of the events is not depleted, than the photos looking good afterwards, though obviously we want both. We are lucky, to have had over the years some great photographers who have walked this difficult line. At present we have a great Photography team.To maintain our emersion standards we restrict photography in any IC area as below.
1) Anyone can take pictures at the following times and in the following places;.
In any OOC area including the plastic camp, areas with no Players In character in it, and anywhere before Time In at the beginning of the event, or after Time Out at the end.
2) Only officially sanctioned photographers may take photos in an IC area during the game. At most events this will just be our in-house team, but we are not adverse to other photographers joining the team for individual by arrangement (see below)
3) We expect these photographers to make an effort to be unobtrusive. This means, where reasonable concealing their cameras, trying to stay out of line of sight, not distracting participants that are deep in play, being in costume, and all the other small things which allow the game to stay immersive. They will need to accept the lead from our regular team.
4) Photographers IN ALL AREAS should aware of and not photograph anyone who does not wish to be photographed. This would also include not posting online images of people who do not want them published, and removing them if asked to do so.
What LARP photography should not be like this.
Making money from photography and ownership of images
In many ways being a Larp photographer is like being a trader, and most need to make enough money to at least recoup their costs, and hopefully make a reasonable income. How photographers choose to monetise their craft we leave up to them, normally it is some system for participants to pay for images of themselves and their friends.
As with traders at our events, we would like the use some photos (A Licence to use) from officially sanctioned photographers who are taking photos of play. We would only use these photos for a gallery on our website and Facebook, advertising and recruitment, fundraising for the site, and general froth. Our use of photos would in no way effect the ownership or copyright of images, which remain with the Photographer and any use will be properly attributed. All funds raised with the support of photos will go back into the system.
If you would like to take photos during play of our events, even with these strict restrictions, please contact us before the event to discuss it. At present, Guy is our Photo lead and in charge of all related issues. See the same contact details as for traders.

The Dumnonni Chronicles Guide Book
178 pages of info on the world of Dumnonni including everything you’ll ever need to know about the tribes, races, festivals, traditions through the mists as well as complete guidelines on playing the game!
Written by the DC team, designed and Illustrated by Joe Chisholm, with superb photography by Roy Smallpage.