A Brief History

A Brief History Of Dumnonni
This can only be seen as the briefest overview of events in the lands of Dumnonni since Athea was set upon the throne as the first Ard Ri of the Free Peoples in response to the Fomorian threat.
The first events happened in the early 90’s in real time, which means that the intervening years are far too rich in stories for them all to be written down.
The following chronicle of events should in no way be taken as gospel; undoubtedly, much of it is wrongly remembered and could be interpreted differently.
Indeed this is the very nature of the celtic tales that The Dumnonni Chronicles draws from.
Athea's Reign
Athea’s reign as the first Ard Ri revolved around the cementing of the Free Races into an alliance against the Fomor.
· The Free Races met to elect an Ard Ri to counter the Fomorian threat. The spider clan, not liking either of the proposed candidates, put forward their own: Athea.
· Athea was crowned the first Ard Ri of the Free Races, supported by Beorn Ericson.
· Cynrain took the stolen sword of Nuada (Cliamh Soluis) from the Fir Dolm king, Crunmar mac Agnomar, in single combat. He carried it without drawing it until the return of Nuada.
· Athea called the free people to name a new Queen’s champion and also to celebrate the handfasting of her old champion, Antonius, to her cousin, Erwyn, who was mysteriously with child.
· Beorn betrayed the Free Races, putting on one of the nine great helms of the Fomor, and led an army against the Free Races.
· Beorn was eventually slain.
· Maeve refused to join the Free Races, but claimed comradeship with them –even as she sent her Connacht to attack them.
· Hrafan arrives, unified the Norse and joined the free peoples.
· Nuada ap Nuada, son of Erwyn, appeared as a young boy. He was declared to be Nuada returned and travelled among the Free Races, performing deeds to gain his bardic names.
Cynrain returned his sword to him and fostered him for a year.
· Cernunnos gathered the Red Branch warriors, including Indeg Bluejaw and Cascorach, and set them tasks. They completed them and he named them the Children of the Bitter Spear.
· Athea was mortally wounded but Antonius gave his life to save her.
· Athea abandoned the Free Races for her love, now in the lands of the dead. Cynrain took her there. He was told that he must find his own path back from the lands of the dead and was lost for some time.
A year with no King
· Rhyme, an evil and twisted Bard, boastsed that his power was such that he could steal the tales of a hero from the memories of the people. He was challenged on this and caused all to forget the tales of Cynrain.
· Cynrain returned from the lands of the dead. Now ragged and forgotten, he went by the name of Fearadach. Finally tracking down Rhyme, Cynrain challenged him and was mocked. Rhyme declared that if Cynrain wished his stories to be returned he must attempt to take them from him. Cynrain tore out Rhyme’s tongue and his stories and his name were returned.
· Indech, son of Domnu, led the Fomor armies against the Free Races. He was treated poorly by the Free Races when he asked for hospitality, and this triggered a growing discontent among some of the warriors of the Free Races (Blue Jaw, Cynrain, Cascorach, Connal). This discontent was to grow and later cause many old warriors to leave the service of the new Ard Ri.
· Indech defeated several champions of the Free Races before being killed in single combat by Cynrain.
ced settings.
The Short Reign Of Conal
Conal of the Tuatha became Ard Ri for two days, but stepped down because of the tensions between the elder races and the Sons of Mil.
· Brom and Culhaven arrived and became leaders among the Sons of Mil.
The Reign of Danuli The Peaceful
Danuli’s reign revolved around the growing tensions between the elder races and the Son’s of Mil. As she tried to negotiate and resolve things, the accusation that she had abandoned ‘The Old Ways’ destroyed unity.
· Danuli became Ard Ri and struggled to cope with the demands placed upon her.
· Conal of the Bloody Hand slew Indeg Blue Jaw and ordered the death of many Bristling Boar Picti to protect a Tuatha secret. They died at the hands of their brothers in arms, Brom and Culhaven. The drum being forged to unite the Free Races was broken by the deed.
· Brom and Culhaven led the population of Dumnonni in flight from the approaching doom to the protection of the assembling army of the Free Races gathering for Beltain.
· The first battle between the Elder Races and the sons of Mil: Conal of the Bloody Hand, Cynrain and Cascorach, along with several other warriors of both the Elder races and the Sons of Mil, declares that they would take no part in the battle and stood watch, stating that they
would slaughter any who broke the bonds of honour. The Sons of Mil won decisively and the Elder Races were pushed back. Before the battle, disgusted by the breaking of oaths by the Elder Races, Cynrain washed the Tuatha woad from his face and declared that he would never wear it again. Cascorach, Cynrain and others, saddened by the low behaviour of Danuli and some of her court, left the lands and became the Dubh Derach.
· Maeve brought a host of Connacht to capture Haven, but was repelled. Culhaven died at the Siege of Haven and its name was changed to honour him.
· The second Battle between the Elder Races and the Sons Of Mil: Nuada Ap Nuada, armed with his father’s spear, led the Elder Races in a host to ‘take control’ of the ‘unruly’ Sons of Mil.
Danuli sacrificed herself to quench the spears’ thirst and save her people. Many Tuatha refused to fight with kin against blood brothers. Most believed that their time had passed and fighting this battle broke oaths sworn after their defeat two years earlier. For them this would surely bring doom.
This time the free races submitted to Nuada.
The Reign of Nuada Ap Nuada
His rule was harsh as he committed all the resources of the land to defeat the Fomorians, caring naught for those crushed by his ambition.
· Most of the remaining heroes refused to serve him and became outlaws. Their numbers were few as the two great battle had seen the deaths of almost all of the old order of heroes, champions and kings.
· Nuada ap Nuada was slain in battle and the Spear of Lugh taken from his hand.
The Anarchy
With no High King and the Fomor showing no sign of slowing the Free People broke into selfpreserving clans.
· At its lowest point may of the great heroes and leaders of the Free Races were captured by the forces of Ucha of the Scaly Hide, the latest great general of Balor’s host. Though they escaped it was only to flee and lick their wounds.
· Tigernmas, a powerful priest of Crom Cruach, set fire to many wicker men full of human sacrifices. In so doing he hoped to call powerful ancient Fomor to Balor’s aid.
Reign of Cascorach
The seven years of His rule were largely about the build-up of Balor’s mighty host and Cascorach’s attempts to meet it.
· Cascorach returned and he was persuaded by Jill Dream Weaver to become Ard Ri in order to rally the Free People.
· The Fen Picts moved from their watery fastness to attack Culhaven.
· Stars fell from the sky and where they landed stones were found of dark and terrible wyrd. Domnu herself claimed all menfolk who had seen theses stones could not face her, but the warrior women of the Free Races drove her off with protection set into jewellery made by
Sigvald the smith.
· The Blackshields arrived, swore fealty to the Ard Ri for land, but soon after lost their king, O’nean to Ucha of the Scaley Hide. Hywell Pendoweran (Son of O’nean) became king.
· Camulac, the Brehon, called a moot at Dun Culhaven to face this threat. Also, guardians had to be appointed for Nuada’s children; Druids of both the Free Races and Fomor know that they have the great wyrd of the endless knot woven into their bones.
· Added to there were tales of great unrest in the Sea Wolf lands. It was said also, that the Bretwalda who had kept peace with the Free Races had disappeared, probably murdered.
· Uthcha was slain by Cynan Moyal.
· In a rage Hywell slew two druids and was forced to become Forsaken.
· Cascorach married Daria, the Sidhe Princess, and an accord is made between the Summer Throne and the Free Races.
· With many unsure of the motives for attacking in the first place, the Fen Picts declared that they had what they wished and that their war was over.
· Two great Saxon warlords, Aethelhelm and Dior, started vying to become Bretwalder, now that it was felt that Deanne will not return.
· Aethelhelm tried to find the spear head of Gungnir, that pinned Odin to the tree of Woe.
· Dior sought support from the Ard Ri. Aethelhelm did likewise, but when it was refused he resorted instead to force. He was eventually slain.
· Queen Maeve asked for the aid of the Blackshields in retrieving a long dead druid’s skull, but earned their enmity when she stole it from them rather that honouring her agreement.
· Tigernmas sought shelter with the Free Races, fearing that both Balor and the Fomor he had helped to summon would come hunting him.
· Cethlin, Balor’s bride, pretended a need for protection, when really she was seeing her nephew and niece, the twin children of Ethni and Nuada, and kin to Balor.
· By trickery and sheer force, Cethlin’s son, Lorkan Breehands, briefly took Dun Culhaven, but Cascorach, leading a force of just seventeen, drove them out.
· Muckle Mary Gyp stole Bull’s son, Gwidion, her great grandson.
· Gwidion grew up in the Otherland to become a vindictive and evil Fae prince. He gained a reputation for torturing the creatures of the Otherlands with iron and led an army of ‘Lost Children.’ And because Gwidion wore the stolen torc of the Summer King, he could not be
· Prince Ki, took the name of Bull’s son, Gwidion, and was made king of the Blackshields.
· Hywell went mad and formed the Bloodshields, a terrible mimicry of the Blackshields. They murdered and raided, but were intent on the subjugation of the Blackshields to the ‘rightful king’.
· Cethlin sent the Tuatha de Domnu to destroy Culhaven. At the Battle of Four Feathers, Culhaven was overrun and many heroes were slain, but the Tuatha king, impressed by their valour, let the remainder live.
· Both sides found that their dead could not cross to the afterlife and the Tuatha king agreed not to fight until this had been resolved.
· Cethlin’s fury was so great that she demanded the Tautha attack again, but the king could not lead his men, so had to watch them being slaughtered.
· Balith the Ovate broke the ban to the afterlife, but the Tuatha king, now immortal, fought Cascorach and lost. Cascorach kept his eyes in a bag of salt, so that the king was blind.
· By undoing the magic that allowed Muckle Mary Gyp’s daughter to have a mortal child, Prince Gwidion was made vulnerable. He was then slain by ‘King Gwidion’ and Bull, his father, using Kin Slayer, the cursed sword.
· Lorkan Bree Hands, Son Of Balor, ‘gifted Culhaven’ with the Teeth of the World. These great standing stones bend the ley lines with their power.
· Lorkan, armed with the Spear of Lugh, brought a host to attack Culhaven. He was death geased to be slain only by ravens and so impervious to all attack. It was clear he was quite mad, not wanting the power of Dumnonni as his father had wanted, but its total destruction!
· Lorkan was slain by the Henhugh. The Romans followed his last wishes and put his life blood on the stones, unaware of the harm they do. The land was corrupted by Lorkan’s madness and rage.
· Cascorach, mad with the rage of Lorkan’s blood, left his careful plans for the defence of the Free Races and attacked the Fomorian army. Cynrain found him amid a great battle and persuaded him to return.
· The Summer King was lost and had to be rescued from Cythral.
· Muckle Mary’s war in the Fae realms reached a tipping point and Morgana, the Winter Queen, was forced to flee to Culhaven.
· The Summer King tricked Muckle Mary into becoming the Summer Queen and thus bound her to her role.
· It was discovered that the twin children of Nuada, who Maeve is protecting, were also, through their mother’s line, nephew and niece to Balor himself. It became known that they were, in some way, Balor’s bane.
· Aillil, Maeve’s consort, ran away with the twins fearing that she might do them harm.
· Cascorach led a mission to reclaim the twins and brought the girl child back to Culhaven, but the boy fled.
· Maeve slew Aillil in a rage at his betrayal.
· Balor led forth his greatest host, taking and despoiling the great Dumnonni plains, as well as capturing Almu of the White Walls after a long siege. The land was blasted and burnt – even now it is still recovering.
· It was revealed that The Lady Brea was a descendant of Bres the Beautiful.
· Balor’s host arrived at Culhaven and laid siege to it. As a result of the sacrifice of Raif, Thorvald, and Cando upon the Stones, Balor’s wyrd weavers could not break the defences of Culhaven and the siege lasted until the heroes, answering the Ard Ri’s call, arrived and lifted it.
· In addition to his Fomorians, Balor’s army was swollen by Norse, Romans and Scotia.
· Roman engineers built a huge fort for Balor’s army, adjacent to Culhaven itself.
· The battle that followed was long and desperate, but ended with Cascorach plunging the Spear of Lugh, coated in the blood of Balor’s kin, into the Fomorian’s chest.
· As it was also the end of Cascorach’s seven-year reign, he was sacrificed to the land.
A Year with No King
This year was the aftermath of Balor’s Great War.
· Massan, Balor’s last great general, rallied the Fomor and kept control of much of the plains won in the war.
· Bree carved out her Kingdom of many peoples.
· Balor’s head was taken by Fomorian Priests.
· The Corpse Goose Goblins, with their near dead servants, started making mischief with the stones.
· Slough Cul ceded half of the lands of the Dumnonni to the newly arrived Clan Morna.
The Reign of Pengar (Bull)
- Bull’s reign was taken up with the return of Donn Under the Hill and the reclaiming of the plains from Massan’s Fomor. Strictly speaking his reign has not ended. Instead he was laid low by the Saxon Rune magic and sleeps in a hidden place until his return.
- Athea has been rescued from Cythral, with much loss of life, including Bull’s brother Conn. It was assumed she would take up the role of Ard Ri, but she chose Bull to take her place on the throne. She returned to being Queen of Dumnonni only.
- Slough Cul, at the behest of the Druids’ circle, moved the Fae Gate to outside Culhaven. In so doing, he earned the enmity of many of the Sidhe and just as he finished, he was pulled into the gate by some monstrosity.
- The Fae Gate had become unstable and started opening apparently of its own accord.
- The Arveni were asked by the Winter Throne to rebuild the gate.
- Slough Cul returned and either slew Muckle Mary Gyp, or freed her, depending on your point of view.
- Slough Cul was slain to make recompense, the new High Druid Cul Cruachwin, was chosen.
- For a year Bull travelled the land, but a great ban was placed upon him for not avenging the death of a bard. This meant that no word was spoken of him and no stories were told of him. Many began to forget who their Ard Ri was.
- Taliesin broke the ban by encouraging a great tale-telling and forcing Bull to promise to make good.
- Bull summoned the Free Races to fight Donn Under the Hill (See 6.1 The Elder Races for details).
- Conn returned as a vengeful revenant, set on the destruction of all his brothers still living in the world.
- Conn married Hel and the two attacked with an army of the cursed dead of Norse and Celts, from Niflheim and Cuthral respectively.
- Conn was trapped in the Fae Gate and then given ‘the soft death’ by his brother and friends.
- Hel was drawn out by the torture of Jarl Svanni, who has magical ties to her. The Norse negotiated with her and she retreated once more to the cold land.
- The White Bear, Queen Bree’s Many Peoples, and the Scotia attacked the lands of Maeve
- The Clan Morna attacked the lands of White Bear in support of Maeve. They dug up the barrow of the White Bear hero, Kia Shadow Walker.
- Kane, the White Bear war leader was lost in the mist during the war.
- The war went badly for Maeve and for now the White Bear controls the lands to the sea.
- Massan, the Fomorian leader was rumoured to have a ‘terrible weapon’ which could burn armies to dust.
- The Brigante, Catuvelauni, and Iceni attended the Beltane festival and got Bull’s agreement to take back the plains.
- While the armies of the Free Races marched to meet Massan head on, a small force went deep behind enemy lines to find and destroy the weapon. They succeeded and also killed Massan and many of his housecarls, ‘the drowned ones’.
- Massan’s army, without their general to lead them, was defeated and scattered by Bull.
- Queen Bree remains in control of a large part of the plains. She claims they are under her protection, but it seems she has given quarter and succour to much of Massan’s fleeing army of Romans and Fomor. She also controls the part of Dumnonni
which was until recently controlled by Clan Morna. - At Beltain, King Oswald of the Usipeti Married Fouloula Daughter of Maeve and many friends and enemies attended.
- Having taken the head of Balor, the Drune Lord Manix fed upon its power and became engorged with it. He seemed mad with power and lust for destruction. He was taken by the druids back to Inis Mon where he may or may not have been dealt
with. - Saxons, new through the mists, and lead by the enigmatic Norseman Hakon Grimson, swell the fleet of the sea-wolves and begin raiding almost everyone.
- Yet more Saxons, using a new rune magic which attacks the very land, change balance of the Saxon raiding. It has become a
full blown invasion. - Maeve was captured or killed and the Lands of the White Bear were only protected by a bloody winter campaign.
- The Saxons also attack elsewhere, including but not exclusively; The Seal Road and the far Isles in the north; and the Saxon Wolds, The lands of the Arvenni, and the Fianna in the south.
The Rule of the Culcascorach.
- Elisif the Sorceress, was the great magic power behind the attack of the Saxon host. Her magic uses the dark runes of Cynric’s Aiter. By stealthy means she has cast great runes upon the kingdoms of Dumnonni and thus, by the mystic connection of it
rulers to the land, curses upon all the kings and queens that oppose her. There runes are terrible in the effect and, as the embodiment of the Land, Bull in effected by each and every one of them. By taking the weight of the curses upon himself, he
was able to alleviate the effects on both the land and its people, but the cost was to lay him low. - Athea, in secret, carried him into safety, where as I write, he still sleeps fighting the enemies of the Free in his dreams.
- With the Ard Ri suddenly gone, the Cul Cascorach took command of the shaken remains of the Free Races.
- Each of the Cul Cascorach, due to their connection to the Land, was branded by one of Cynric’s runes and each sufferered a curse from it.
- The runes also prematurely aged many of the kings and queens including Athea and Cartomandua.
- A new Winer King is born to Luna, mother of the fae gate.
- Elisif used a glamour to disguise herself as Athea and, by fooling the Dumnonni people into rebelling against the heroes of the Free races, took control of Culhaven and set about a terrible ritual using the trapped Bloody stag Samlaich (Great spirit).
- Elisif’s magic, also caused great worms to attack all ships not protected by her magic. These ‘Keel Worms’ are drawn from the power of Crom Cruach.
- It became known that the secrets of Cynric’s Aiter and thus the power of Elisif’s magic was hidden in his great moon staff.
- This is the same staff which the high druid had and Con used to raise an army of the undead some years back. However, trying to bring it to Culhaven, The Cul Cruachwin is killed and the Staff taken.
- Though defended by a terrible ghost fence and much dark magic, as well as a host of Saxons, Culhaven is recaptured in a daring night raid.
- At Beltane, Turalach Ap Net of the Cul Cascorach is chosen to serve as temporary high King for a year and a day, in the hope of Bull’s return.
- Elisif sends her husband Hakon Grimson with a great host of Saxons, Norse and Crom Cruach’s servants, the Drune Lords, to attack Culhaven. They are defeated.
- Maeve is rescued/or reborn depending on who you ask and although she is much aged, she is given, possibly unknowingly, a part of many folks vitality and is rejuvenated.
- Brea, seeing the opportunity in the battle weariness of the free people, sends Cynan Moyal with orders to capture Culhaven and to put on the Helm of Madness in the battle to make his victory more terrible. Cynan instead agrees to a fight with Cynrain.
- Each is armed with a Gay Bolga and during the duel each is mortally wounded.
- After the duel Mael Iosa the Fomorian general attacked anyway. After much bloodshed he agreed to the battle beingdecided by a further duel between his champion and one from the free races. His champion was considered undefeatable because of his Geas that he would only be slain by the first of men, but Mil was among the
heroes there that day and he gained the victory. - A terrible fire destroys much of Culhaven and the great throne of the High King, which was the seat of the Lord of Sheves.
- As the rune which cursed Turalach was the Fire rune and it inflicted him with terrible rages, which he sometimes had no memory of, suspicions fall on him, but there are many other possible culprits.
- Discovering how to remove the runes, if there location in the land can be found, Turalach and a troop of heroes sets out to find them. During a hard fought skirmish many runes are cleansed including the temporary high king’s.
- At Samhien Elisif returns to finish whatever ritual she was attempting when she captured Culhaven. Much to everyone’s surprise and possibly her own, at the height of the ritual she was consumed by the worms of Crom Cruach which she had been using as weapons.
The Reign of Turalach
After a year and a day as nominal leader and with no sign of Bull’s return, Turalach was choose by Fleet the Bard of Summer and wearer of The Cloak of Feather as the New high King. Fleet also declared the four other contenders to be joined to the Cul Cascorach.
Turalach’s appointment is not universally welcomed, with some dark talk of his Fomorian heritage. Many of the free peoples refuse to bend a knee and the free races seem near to fracturing. Prominent amongst the neigh says are the White Bear, the Catavalani and the Iceni. The Dumnonni also hold off Swearing, claiming they will not until their lands are reunited.
That Beltane Brea, mad with grief at the death of both Cyran and Cynan Moyal, brings a huge host of Romans, Scotia, Fomorians and Drune lords. The battles where many and fierce, but in the end Turalach’s host won.
Brea, had her heart and her honour returned to her and in her sorrow she was slain by Cal the Tuatha Sygath.
Athea adopts Ferrus the gladiator as her heir.
During the summer it became clear that Elisif’s plan had been to waken Crom Cruach and that, in this at least, it seemed she was going to be successful.
The Ard Ri convinces more of the peoples to swear to him, most prominent among these are the Catavalauni and his own people, the Red Branch.
Donn the Mad Fir Bholg king choose to side with Crom Cruach in the hope for destruction of all things. It must be remembered though that he still has lucid moments when his wishes are more sane.
Those who use the wyrd, become aware that the magic is slipping away and that they must horde their power against a dark future.
The Henge seeds that were planted grown into a procession way which lead to no one knows where.
The fae, the Drune lords and the Fir Bholg of Don all try to take control of the stones, but Stone wardens are chosen from the Wise of the Free Races, these along with many heroes defend them.
It is discovered that the procession leads to a barrow which in turn leads into the belly of Crom Cruach himself. Within the belly is trapped the Lord of Tall Sheaves, who is the cause of maggot god’s corruption. He is removed, but in so doing The Great Worm wakes fully and begins to consume the world, starting with the magic.
A year of woes bests the land. Crom Cruach greatest servants, the Lords of Terror, attack the free races. The wyrd becomes even more scarse as the great worm feats upon it and the free races struggle to create a plan to save the world. Hurtful the Firbolg bard swears to serve the King for a year and a day
Even with such evil lurking in the lands, and the wyrd rapidly depleting, the assembled refuse to be in darkened spirits, still pushing ahead with the traditional games of Beltane.
Hurtful comes to Culhaven, instructed to serve the Free People for a year and a day. When asked for his words of council, he places a great shame on those assembled, highlighting their shortcomings as he sees them.
A rejuvenated Athea, free of the Elisif’s runes, swears to the Ard Ri, Turalach, and gifts him a new
A terrible run of pestilence strikes down many of the people of Culhaven, causing the healers to use all
their knowledge and skills to keep the plagues at bay.
The Ard Ri is one of these unfortunate few, his memories of Cynrain rapidly fading from him, but Fleet
the Bard sacrifices the last of his Word Hoard to restore him
Wayland appears, and with him, two gods. Shonei, god of seaweed, and Thetra, god of the uninspired.
Both attempt to gather followers so they may battle on the morn. The losers blood will be used to
rekindle the spirit of the forge.
In the end, the seaweed god Shonei, is felled, his blood collected by Wayland.
The animal spirits are in trouble.
Something is preying upon them, driving them to do harm.
The first clue of the cause comes as Klaw and his White Bear summon their bear spirits to commune with the spirit of the bear.
What appears, however, is not the spirit they were expecting – instead it is revealed that it is Prince Midnight, enthralling the mind of the bear.
The warriors slay all but one vessel for Prince Midnight and drive him into the waiting wooden hero, Callum.
After a trip across the land with Hurtful as his guide, Turalach returns to Culhaven, having promised his heart to The Far Isles, his Breath to the Briganti Lands, his hope to the Dumnonni Lands, his right foot to where he faced Sobhan of the Sword Dance and his tears to the place of Cynrain’s death.
The Ard Ri also has in his possession the essential components for the Hel of The Lord of The Tall Sheaves.
Rohninne connects to the rising dead in an effort to stem the flow of enemies that come against the walls.
The result though is not as planned, and Rhonnine’s vast power is drained as the more dead use it to reanimate.
In the end, Athelhelm’s aid is requested, before the Druid is drained completely.
Tasked by Wayland, Hywell forges Croichnaigh, The Ender Of Tales, a great and terrible Gae Bolga for the Ard Ri.
Any who are cut from it will die. It is said once bloodied, that the Gae Bolga will know friend from foe, but will not care.
“This spear is the ender of tales. It is the taker of tomorrows. It is fire and fury. It is the silencer. It is Criochnaigh and it will drown the land in blood.”
Lead by Athelhelm, Kai and Rhoninne head into the Lands Beyond to undo the terrible burden of the dead.
They do not speak of what they saw, but the pain of their choice to return is evident in their eyes.
The helm of the Lord of the Tall Sheaves is woven from the gathered sheaves, grown from the seeds retrieved from Crom Cruach’s belly.
Turalach, putting the Free People and the survival of the world before his pride, sees to the great feast himself.
Alesca, proving his resourcefulness, even builds extra tables from what he finds around him.
A vessel must be chosen for the Lord of The Tall Sheaves to inhabit.
Meran, after preparing himself, places it on his head become the vessel, despite the danger of his own destruction.
The Lord calls out truth from the gathered, threatening to destroy the assembled should he feel insulted with lies.
Eventually, The Lord of The Tall Sheaves agrees to release his hold on Meran, if his friends can give him truths about the man that will sway him. Turalach, Klaw, Rhonin, Kai and Fleet provide such truths and thus Meran is released, just in time to stop the Crom Cruach appearing to attempt to feast on The Lord of The Tall Sheaves.
As night rolls in, a new shrine to the gods of the sea is made and marked with nets.
The first is woven with tales, songs and trinkets of the free people.
The second was the net Cal used to pull great treasures from the depths.
Svanni, ever the unwavering, offers herself to be drowned as a sacrifice to the gods of the sea.
The sacrifice is interrupted, however, as undead appear from beneath the waves.
Svanni vanishes in the confusion and with no body found, Luna sets to scrying for her.
The Ard Ri leads a party to Nifelheim to retrieve the queen.
Kjarten agrees a price with Hela for safe passage from the realm.
The next morn the King in Yellow appears.
The plan of mockery to lessen his power fails miserably.
Fleet continues to taunt the King in Yellow, in an attempt to keep him occupied and from doing too much harm.
The Lord of Terror becomes angered with the bard and undoes Fleet’s mileasian form.
Thankfully, Svanni, speaking as a bard for the day, finds the solution to The King in Yellow.
With haste, the helm is put on Meran and the Lord of The Tall Sheaves destroys The King in Yellow.
One more Lord of Terror is stopped from hastening the end of the world.
It’s the end of the world and the Free Races must band together to stop it.
The Ard Ri, Turalach, pulls the people together for a moot, drawing from them the essence of a plan.
With it, a glimmer of hope.
Still, despite the end, news comes that The Black Shields have been raiding their neighbours.
The Druid Meddreddyth tasks Hywell Pendarion to speak for his people, naming him Prince of the
Black Shields, and their leader in Gwideon’s absence.
Fleet, Svanni and Alesca spend much of what could potentially be their last night alive, carving Ogham in the remains of the old roundhouse, to draw together the remaining wyrd in Culhaven. With the addition of Rhoninne’s wisdom, the circle of Ogham is complete and able to power the Ghost Fence
against the undead of ill intent.
The Flail of The Lord of The Tall Sheaves is sought out, as are the Children of Iron.
These will be essential if the Free Races are to win the day.
Crom Cruach sends the mist to separate Fleet from Lu’en, The Fae Gate, for the drune lords Fleet has sent back to him.
It is only through Alsa’s effort in bending the mist to her will that the Free Races can access the Fae Gate and retrieve the last of the Children of Iron and thus their potential salvation.
Gato Salvax, standing as warleader, successfully leads the forces of Culhaven in their final days, fending off every force that would hasten the end of the world.
The final battle begins just before sunset. The plan is to draw Crom Cruach to a decaying realm and sever it from the land, trapping him there.
Madra of The Red Branch accepts the burden of becoming the vessel of the Lord of The Tall Sheaves.
He is named Marda Leis CuChulainn for his bravery.
Upon the field of battle Cynric reveals to The Bard Of Summer that the Saxon lord himself was the cause of the awakening of Crom Cruach.
It is also revealed the Mordraugh, The Winter King, is under Cynric’s control.
The injuries are many to the Free Races. Od loses his life. Gato is brought back from the Morrigan’s embrace.
Angered by the loss of his friend, and the destruction around him, Kai The Giant, wields the Morrienwyn against the winter king.
In an exchange of blows, the Winter King is struck by the Morrienwyn.
This does not stop Mordraugh for long, however, and Meran finds himself facing off against the great king repeatedly to keep him from doing more harm.
Through druidic knowledge, Rhoninne manages to allow The Winter King to target the cause of his woes, Cynric.
Cynric is slain.
The plan calls for the way to be broken from inside the realm. Those who stay behind to do so will be lost.
Meddreddyth reveals himself then as Manix, and declares that he shall be the one to sever the way.
Rhoninne steps forward to offer the sacrifice of his power and Math steps forward, so that his life blood can aid the flow of said power.
The Free Races are sent from the place. The way is closed behind them.
As night comes, the sound of The Lord of The High Sheaves facing Crom Cruach can be heard as thunder claps through the veil.
The Free Races wait some sign of victory or the coming of Crom Cruach.
Finally, the Dagda himself and Babh appear, to begin the feasting and reward the heroes.
Od returns, a friendly spirit, ready to spend a Samhain night with his friends.
As a gift, he gives Fleet knowledge of the Selkie traders and where they have moored up.
The Winter King, suffering mortality from his encounter with Kai, lays down a warning to Turalach that he will level the Free Races.
He then gives the means of freedom to Avartach.
The cycle continues.
On the morrow, Drunes attempt to attack the world stones, but are shown the error of their action and the truth that Crom Cruach is no longer in the land.
Fleet leads Gherien, Svanni, Turalach, Alesca, Hywell, Rekki, Rhoninne, Jill and Lavena through the Fae Gate and along the Forgotten Ways to face the Selkie hunters at their camp.
Once there, the skin snatchers are slain and their witches dispatched and drowned, ending their foul trade.
As the day draws on, the people begin to go their separate ways, with different plans for winter.
Gato and Hywell however, make plans for war.
During the winter the Briganti lead a great army of the Free Races to drive the remnant of Brea’s forces, Romans and Fomor, from the lands of the north. During the battle Klaw of the White Bear is struck with a cursed Gae Bolga and seems near to death. Though a cure was found for Klaw, he
remains for now in the White Bear lands recuperating.
At Beltane, the forces of the Winter King lead by Avatac try to take Culhaven.
Athehelm curses the Free Races that none of their dead can pass over the Sword Bridge.
In a great honour duel between the High King and Avatac each uses the other’s weapon, which is doom against them. Avatac is slain, but in turn strikes Turalach with the Ard Ri’s hungry spear.
Having drunk blood the spear takes on a life of its own and tries to kill more, until it is eventually brought down by Gato Salvax.
The High King should be dead, but all who saw it agree that Fleet the Bard of Summer and friend to all, wearing the Cloak of Feathers, was the one who was struck, though he was far from the fight.
The Bard of Summer died and his Word Hoard broke at this moment.
As is the want of this wyrd land, the summer brought a new force of warriors through the Mists, to replenish those who have died during the struggles with Crom Cruach. Norse War Wolves come, hungry for plunder. Their ship king is defeated in battle and is ritually sacrificed, but they are still far
from a spent force.
In the high summer the Black Shields lead a mission into Mag Mel, a land of death unending, to hunt for Bull. They fight the Tuatha de Domnu for the old High King’s power and return with a Bull totem, which is his power, to protect Culhaven.
At Samhain, The High King left the Culcascorach to lead in his place in Culhaven as he is sworn to help Hrafan, King in the North.
Athelhelm sent a mightily force to take vengeance for the wrong he feels was done to him by Artos stealing his wife. The powerful wyrd users of the free races lead three forays into the lands of the dead. There they talk with Shannon, Athehlem’s wife, and discover that she does not wish to return.
They also the break the Ghost Fence, which barred the dead from the afterlife.
The defenders of Culhaven defeat Athelhelm’s forces, both in the lands of the dead and in the fields around the fort itself. They even manage to pull one of the nine spearheads of Wodin, which pierce Athelhelm and are the source of his power. Athelhelm retreats to lick his wounds, but it is clear he will
be back in the New Year.
It is also revealed that the Word Hoard is broken and that the powers of the Bards will be tested to rebuild it.
Without the Balance of Words, and ‘The Truth’ becomes uncertain, a war of words looms…
At Beltane, Athelhelm returned with a full host of Wights and other undead monsters, his rage mighty at what he saw as the kidnapping of his bride.
He challenged the heroes of Culhaven to meet him at a Hazel Field. It quickly became clear that while he remained undefeated his host could not be slain and he himself was protected by the the eight remaining spear heads that held Wodin to the World Tree. Like Grim himself, Athelhem had impaled himself with the spear points and until they were drawn from his body no weapon could harm him.
Thus, the Hazel Field transformed into a game of “Beltane Ribbons” with the very brave dashing in to try and with draw a spear point, sometimes with success, but others punished terribly by the Unliving Lord’s great sword.
Thus eventually he became vulnerable and his final defeat became inevitable.
Bran, the High Druid, sends a group of heroes to find the Hollow Hill, a sacred place hidden for many years. It is defended by Tuatha de Domnu, who will not abide its finding.
Donn, King of the Fir Bholg, has also brought troops to find the Hollow Hill and in his maddened state it seems likely the heroes will have to fight them instead. However, Alesca and the wyrd users restore his Eye and by so doing his mind. Bran then negotiates with Donn to hold the Hollow Hill for him.
A great moot of Saxons was had at Culhaven where a new Bretwalda was ‘elected.’ Unfortunately, a Saxon princess was slain, under hospitality in the roundhouse, and this brought a terrible curse up and on to Culhaven itself. This also soured relationships between the Free Races and the new Bretwalda.
At Samhain Turalach the High King must make a great sacrifice to purify the round house. His choices are: his own life, or the life of either Bran the High Druid of his tormented friend Cal.
Out of kindness he chooses the slay Cal, but by killing a druid he becomes cursed and Bran declares him Forsaken.
Drustan defeats the Winter King to be undisputed Iron King of the Dumnonni.
The sundering of the two Children of Winter is revealed to have been done by the Bard of Winter…